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Webster Technique at Whole Body Health

Child hugging a pregnant bellyDeveloped by the late Larry Webster, D.C., this method helps to release stress on the pelvis, relaxing surrounding ligaments and reducing the sacral subluxation to help restore more normal function. The Webster Technique is a particular chiropractic sacral analysis and Diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to diminish the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, we can help to facilitate neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis.

The Importance of Correcting Sacral Subluxations

Sacral subluxation may contribute to a mother having difficult labor due to inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction and mal-presentation of the baby. When sacral subluxations are corrected by using the Webster Technique, there may be a positive effect on the causes of dystocia (slow or difficult labor or delivery).

What Are Some Benefits?

Here are some of the primary benefits of the Webster Technique:

  • Helps the baby have sufficient room to turn
  • May decrease the chances of having a C-section
  • Could aid in quicker recovery after birth compared to C-section births

Our Doctors Are Webster Certified

Our chiropractors are trained and certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in the Webster Technique. Instituted in 2000, the certification proficiency course includes a written and hands-on examination of the method.

Book an Appointment

For more information about the Webster Technique or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!



Webster Technique Brantford ON | (519) 753-9596